16 early warning signs of autism in children

16 early warning signs of autism in children

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disability that is caused by differences in the brain. Those with ASD often have problems with social interaction and communication and display restricted or repetitive behaviors. ASD may also cause differences in learning, moving, or paying attention. These differences can make it challenging for autistic people to navigate through life, making it important to diagnose it early. Thus, here are some early warning signs of autism. Among younger children: Some common early signs of autism in young children include: Not responding to their name Avoiding eye contact Not smiling when someone smiles at them Getting upset if they do not like a particular taste, smell, or sound Engaging in repetitive movements such as flapping their hands, flicking their fingers, or rocking their body Not talking as much as other children Not engaging in as much pretend play Repeating the same phrases without understanding the meaning It is important to note that one child with ASD may not necessarily have the same symptoms as another. The symptoms and their severity differ with each individual. Among older children: In older children, early signs of autism may include: The inability to understand what others are thinking or feeling (lack of empathy) Unusual speech, such as repeating phrases or talking ‘at’ others Liking a strict daily routine and getting very upset if it changes Having a very keen interest in certain subjects and activities Getting very upset if someone asks them to do something Difficulty in making friends Taking things very literally, or a lack of understanding of common idioms and phrases Finding it difficult to verbalize feelings Autism may also manifest differently based on a child’s gender.
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8 worst cities that persons prone to allergies must avoid

8 worst cities that persons prone to allergies must avoid

Reports suggest that over 50 million people in the country suffer from different allergies each year, causing allergies to emerge as the sixth leading cause of chronic illness. Allergies may have many underlying causes, including hay fever, dust mites, medicines, certain foods, and pollution. Further, unfavorable environmental conditions can adversely affect individuals prone to allergies. Have a look at our list of the worst cities in the country for persons with allergies: Scranton Scranton has emerged as the allergy capital of the country, being ranked the worst city for people suffering from or susceptible to allergies. One of the primary causes of allergies in Scranton is the city’s higher-than-average concentration of spring and fall pollen. Several individuals react negatively to pollen, developing infections and allergies. Thus, individuals with allergies must avoid moving into Scranton for work. Bakersfield Bakersfield, with annual particular matter (PM) levels of 2.5, is classified as among the most polluted cities in the country. Studies have demonstrated that outdoor air pollution can exacerbate one’s allergies. Consequently, living in a city like Bakersfield can affect one’s health, particularly if one is vulnerable to allergic reactions. New Haven New Haven, which houses the prestigious Yale University, is another no-no for individuals with allergies, primarily due to its poor air quality and high humidity.
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