Understanding the long-term impact of wheelchair usage

Understanding the long-term impact of wheelchair usage

Millions of people across the country use wheeled mobility devices such as wheelchairs, motorized wheelchairs, or scooters due to limited or complete loss of their ability to walk. While these devices help provide accessible mobility, they may also harm one’s health in the long term. Many wheelchair users face barriers when accessing preventive healthcare services and achieving physical fitness. Because of these reasons, they are more likely to develop the following: Shoulder overuse injuries: Maneuvering the wheelchair can put pressure on the upper body’s chest, shoulder, and back muscles, making them more susceptible to injuries and strains. Strengthening these muscles can help avoid such injuries. Look for wheelchair-friendly gyms, or try muscle-strengthening exercises at home using resistance bands. Urinary tract disorders: Accessibility to washroom facilities remains a struggle for wheelchair users, especially when out and about. This makes them more prone to developing urge or stress incontinence and other urinary tract disorders. Reduced bone density: Those living with a severely limiting condition or disease, such that they are immobile for six months or longer, are at a higher risk of experiencing bone loss or reduced bone density. This may eventually lead to osteoporosis. Muscle atrophy: Similarly, more extended periods of immobility have also been associated with reduced glycogen storage, which impacts the ability of the muscles to mobilize fatty acids.
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Top 14 questions to ask an oncologist

Top 14 questions to ask an oncologist

Oncologists are highly trained medical professionals specializing in diagnosing, treating, and managing various types of cancers. They work closely with patients throughout their recovery journey, addressing various aspects of cancer care, from symptom identification to developing personalized treatment plans. If one is referred to an oncologist, asking questions about the condition is important, as dealing with cancer can be difficult. So, here are some common questions to ask the specialist during the initial visits. Who are oncologists, and what do they treat? Oncologists play a crucial role in cancer treatment. They recommend and supervise various treatments such as chemotherapy, immunotherapy, hormone therapy, radiation therapy, or targeted therapy. They also monitor and adjust their effectiveness according to the patient’s response. Different types of oncologists, such as surgical, pediatric, and neurological oncologists, work with other healthcare professionals like nurses, pathologists, psychologists, nutritionists, and radiologists to provide comprehensive care to the patient. Additionally, they offer palliative care, including pain management, and address the patient’s emotional and psychological needs. This holistic approach ensures patients receive the best support and treatment throughout their cancer journey. When does one visit an oncologist? If someone shows signs of developing cancer, their primary healthcare provider may conduct diagnostic tests.
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