How to treat cholesterol effectively
Cholesterol is a natural substance found in your blood. It helps builds cells. However, if cholesterol in your body is higher than usual, it can lead to heart issues. When the level increases, fatty deposits start to develop in the blood vessels. That can lead to clots or blockages in your arteries. This disrupts the blood flow and can also lead to a stroke or heart attack. Medical treatment for cholesterol The lipid profile or lipid panel blood test is used to determine the cholesterol level in the body. If it is higher than usual, the doctor will suggest certain lifestyle changes. Generally, a healthy diet and regular exercise can help you control the disease. However, if the levels remain high, you will require medication. Multiple medicines can treat the condition. Your doctor will determine the right one depending on your age, possible side effects, health, and more. Statins Your liver requires a specific substance to produce cholesterol, and statins block that substance. This results in a decrease in cholesterol levels. Medicine also helps to reduce the deposits that form on the artery wall. Bile-acid-binding resins Bile acid is a vital substance present in your body and is required for digestion.
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