Top 7 Hidden MacBook Features to Try Today
Apple MacBooks are known for their seamless performance and state-of-the-art design. The laptops also offer a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate. Additionally, certain shortcuts, functions, and features exclusive to Macbooks can further improve user experience. So, whether one is considering investing in a MacBook or has been using Apple computers for years, here are a few hidden features worth exploring to enhance the ease of use and overall functionality of the device: 1. Customize Hot Corners Hot Corners is a handy feature on MacBooks, allowing users to set up specific actions or commands that are triggered when they move their mouse cursor onto any of the four corners of the screen. Customizing the Hot Corners can help one get started with daily tasks quickly. To set it up, one can visit System Preferences > Mission Control and click on “Hot Corners.” Here, they can choose what happens when the cursor hovers over a corner. A few handy actions to consider for the screen corners are: Activating screen saver Opening launchpad Showing desktop Accessing notification center 2. Check battery features While MacBook users typically do not have to worry about the health and life of the battery, they should explore general battery features.
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